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Memorabilia > Posters > Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK

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Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK
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Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK
Currently viewing: Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK from Retrogames
Product ID: 058680
Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK
Currently viewing: Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK from Retrogames
Product ID: 058680
Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK
Currently viewing: Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK from Retrogames
Product ID: 058680

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  Coin-Op Poster - Capcom Vs SNK
This listing is for an incredibly rare original Promotional poster for the original coin-op arcade machine. These are not reprints or reproductions, but the original Japanese posters sent to arcades to advertise forthcoming machines. They are incredibly rare - much rarer than original movie posters of the time. 

This poster from 2000 is for the classic Capcom fighting game, Capcom vs SNK Millennium Fight, also famous for being a big hit on the Sega Dreamcast and original Playstation. The poster has been folded at some point, but would flatten out perfectly under glass, as it has been rolled for a very long time. 8/10. 

These posters have been used, but are cared for and have been stored in protective tubes for the past decade or so. They are large, over a metre in length, 103cm x 73cm. From experience, even small edge faults don't notice at all when you put these original posters in frames. A magnificent addition to any serious collection, or games room. 

Avg rating: Not yet rated
Our Price: £ 100.00

In Stock: 1 available
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