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Soul Calibur II by Namco  
Soul Calibur II by Namco
£ 20.00
Defender by Atari  
Defender by Atari
£ 20.00
Super Probotector Vs Alien Rebels by Konami  
Super Probotector Vs Alien Rebels by Konami
£ 100.00
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Better Dead than Alien by Electra Better Dead than Alien by Electra
£ 15.00
Motorcycle Crazy by Kerian Motorcycle Crazy by Kerian
£ 7.00
Skyfox by Ariolasoft Skyfox by Ariolasoft
£ 5.00
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Wonderswan Console - Spares
Handheld Consoles
£ 30.00
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Sonic The Hedgehog 3 by Sega / Tiger
LCD Handheld
£ 12.00
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Volcano by Radio Shack - Boxed
LCD Handheld
£ 60.00
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Shipwrecks / Naufrages by AVI France - Boxed
LCD Handheld
£ 60.00
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Tom's Adventure by Sunwing - Boxed
LCD Handheld
£ 50.00
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Submarine by Mini Arcade - Boxed
LCD Handheld
£ 75.00
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Pro Golf 2 by Bandai - Boxed
LCD Handheld
£ 30.00
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The Ninja by Liwaco
LCD Handheld
£ 120.00
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Renketsu Puzzle Tsunagete Pon by SNK
Handheld Consoles
£ 60.00
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Guilty Gear Petit by Sammy
Handheld Consoles
£ 100.00
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King Of Sports Pro Wrestling by Tomy
Handheld Consoles
£ 30.00
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Judge by Nintendo - Boxed
Game and Watch
£ 220.00
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Mario Bros By Nintendo - Boxed
Game and Watch
£ 150.00
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Pinball by Nintendo - Boxed
Game and Watch
£ 250.00
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Black Jack by Nintendo *MINT
Game and Watch
£ 500.00
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Bomb Sweeper by Nintendo
Game and Watch
£ 200.00
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Chef by Nintendo - Boxed
Game and Watch
£ 250.00
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Boom Finder by Systema
LCD Handheld
£ 30.00
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Flag Man by Nintendo *Nr MINT
Game and Watch
£ 1500.00
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Digimon Frontier Battle Spirit by Bandai
Handheld Consoles
£ 20.00
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Digimon Medley by Bandai
Handheld Consoles
£ 15.00
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Delta Warp by Iosys
Handheld Consoles
£ 75.00
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Pachi Slot by Aruze
Handheld Consoles
£ 9.00
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E Cup by Aruze
Handheld Consoles
£ 20.00
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1. Nintendo Gameboy Advance Wireless Adapter
2. Formation Soccer - Human Cup 90 by Human
3. Genpei Toma Den by Namco
4. Alien Kill by Mastertronic
5. Level 5 by Mastertronic
6. Trevor Brooking World Cup Glory by Challenge
7. The Curse Of Sherwood by Mastertronic
8. Ninja Gaiden by Atari *MINT
9. Yokai Dochuki by Namcot
10. Fahrenheit 3000 by Firebird
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Derby Day by CRL
Derby Day by CRL
£ 7.00

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** Codename Droid : Strykers Run Part 2 by Superior Software
** Codename Droid : Strykers Run Part 2 by Superior Software
BBC and Electron
£ 15.00

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** Assassin's Creed Black Flag by Ubisoft
** Assassin's Creed Black Flag by Ubisoft
£ 4.00

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Category Favourites
1. Star Force by Grandstand - Boxed
2. Prinztronic Chess Traveller
3. Digimon RPG Set by Bandai
4. Super Mario Bros Toy by Nintendo
5. Olivetti D1010 Personal Organiser
6. Soccer by Entex
7. Astro Wars by Grandstand - Boxed
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