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A selection of our latest productsThe items below have all been added within the last 28 days....
Worms Armageddon by Team 17 *MINT
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Street Fighter Zero 3 by Capcom
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Sonic 10th Anniversary Pack by Sega *Nr MINT
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2016 to Present - News Has Moved We now use our Facebook page for news updates 8th January 2016 - Big Site Update is Amazing! It's been a pretty historic few days at Retrogames. A major update has completely changed the way we list our items. After years of thought and conversation, and many requests from friends and customers, we decided it was time to remove all the sold items from general searches and categories. Implementing this change was complicated, a lot of traffic the site generates is from people looking for particular things, usually, just to see them again. We thought to remove the many rare but sold items from the inventory would be derogatory, but in actual fact, having a site where everything you see is available to buy is incredibly refreshing. We're sure you'll agree. Don't worry, the sold listings are still here, still available to add to your watch lists or permacarts, they're just not visible unless you want them to be. A simple 'include sold items' toggle at the main search box allows you to include sold items in your search if you want to. Search results now give you an additional 'Narrow your search' box, allowing you to search in various ways and include sold items if you still can't find what you want to see. It has changed the way the categories feel, only showing categories where items are available, means we've lost a few which had only sold items, like Atari Game Guides, and Casio PV1000 Hardware. It has also hit the sitemap total, from an inventory of 39,000 items, we've now dropped to 21,000 items which are actually available. Of course, there are many items which have many multiples, so the true level of stock is much more than that, but that number now tells you how many different items we have currently available for sale. We hope the changes excite you guys as much as they excite us, and makes browsing far more fun.
22nd December 2015 - Christmas Posting and Greetings Our last posting day for Christmas is tomorrow, the 23rd. Due to very poor service from the royal mail last year between Christmas and New Year, we will not be sending parcels during these three days. Orders will be processed as normal but will not go out until the post service resumes properly on the 4th. Thanks to all our wonderful customers for all their support this year, we couldn't keep going without you. Happy Christmas and New Years to you all.
14th August 2015 - Annual Stock Take Notice Our legally required stock take will commence on Thursday 20th so we have no post collection booked for the 20th and the 21st. Our office will be open for incoming deliveries as normal, and we will catch up with all the emails and parcels from those two days over the weekend for dispatch on Monday. Thanks for your patience, we hope to have very little interruption to our service, so please just order as normal during these two days. 30th April 2015 - We're Mobile Friendly at last! As of this morning, the mobile device friendly version of retrogames is live. No more jabbing your fingers at the tiny screen details only to select six things at the same time. Huge thanks for your patience waiting for this development. Onwards, and upwards... 3rd October 2014 - Our BIGGEST Listing Week Ever!! 614 Items added this week, with additions in every major section of the site. Just when you thought we'd stop growing, we prove otherwise! It's going to be an epic end to the year! 24th June 2014 - Email Issues Solved (Hopefully!) Despite improvements over the past month, we've still been having issues with some customers getting their automated invoice and despatch emails from the site. Today we introduced a new mailer server which will hopefully resolve any remaining problems. New order and despatch notices will be sent from sales@retrogames.co.uk. While we will keep an eye on this mailbox, this isn't really the email address we want you to send questions or queries to. If you have a list of stuff to sell, a question about an item, or (god forbid) and issue with an order, please contact retrobloke@aol.com as usual. Thanks for your patience while we sorted this! 10th June 2014 - Automated Email Issue We are experiencing a few problems with automated emails being sent out by the site. We are working on the problem, but in the meantime, please don't worry. All orders are being packed and dispatched on the day of receipt as normal (Monday to Friday). You can log into your account and check the status of your orders as usual. If you have any other questions about orders you can email directly at retrobloke@aol.com and we will get back to you quickly. Many thanks for your patience while we fix the issue. 23rd December 2013 : Merry Christmas! It has been as hectic as ever at Retrogames HQ with hundreds of orders jetting off around the world in the last couple of weeks. Thanks as ever for all your support, we couldn't keep doing what we do if it wasn't for the amazing friends and customers we've gained along the way. With 1000s more classic games and machines heading to the site in the new year, the future's never been brighter at Retrogames. 18th September 2013 - Retrogames 2.0 Goes Live!
It's been a very long time coming, but at midnight, while you were all playing GTAV, this site was completely updated. Lots of new features are on the way, and we'll be dropping them into the site over the coming weeks. You'll hopefully already notice the huge increase in speed. The site has also been optimized (finally) for mobile devices, and the advanced search is now here. More updates soon. 12th April 2013 - Bargain Basement Opens We've been fiddling about with this section for many months, but finally we added 250 items to it this week, giving you a whole new section to explore. It is filled with games at much cheaper prices. It's a sad fact that only a small percentage of what we buy into stock is good enough to make it onto our site in the normal sections. Previously we dumped all these, still sellable, but tattier items on our ebay shop. We will still be adding items to Ebay from time to time, but felt it would be better to offer the majority of these items to our site customers. All Bargain Basement items are denoted with a ** (double asterix), so they can be spotted easily when using the search box. Unlike other sections, our intention is to remove items from the bargain basement as they sell. We also plan to add items to the section regularly, keeping it fresh and interesting for regular visitors.
25th January 2013 : *Big Listing Week* Our biggest listing week since last June, with 394 items added to the site.